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How big a deal is Racism? Archives

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Thursday, April 6, 2006

How big a deal is Racism?

NBC trolling for Racism at NASCAR races, comes away empty.
If they trolled for Racism at more opportunity laden places;
Say anywhere Cynthia McKinney goes,
Say anywhere Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson go,
Say anywhere illegal immigrants from Mexico gather,
Say anywhere A.N.S.W.E.R. sponsors a rally,
Say anywhere “peaceful” Muslims gather,
Say anywhere college social sciences “professors” gather,
Say anywhere where French and Brussels “Elite” meet,
Say anywhere college law school “entrance” exams are taken,
Say anywhere the Nation of Islam meets,
Say anywhere the “Senatorial Ladies” San Fran Tea Party meets,
Say anywhere the Congressional Black Caucus meets,
Say anywhere the Congressional Latino Caucus meets,
Say anywhere the Congressional Asian Caucus meets,
Say anywhere the Congressional Lobster Caucus meets,

they could fill the airwaves tonight! Alas though that would only be Anti-American racism which the Old Noise Machine and the Democrats think nothing of…

I pledge allegiance to the FLAG Baby!!!!! Oh Yea…

Posted by Marc at 08:19 AM  ·  Marc
