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Monday, September 24, 2007

Somebody had to say it...

Iran Prez speaks at NYC school, Lefty’s rejoice, so what's up;

His motivation, marketing campaign, no one seems to mention that most of the regimes of homicidal maniacs have Ivy trained Marketing kids in their midst and it’s all one big game, of course as long as someone else is doing the dying…

The Obvious issues for the Left whom promote him, he kills Gays, Lesbians, seems to not be a problem, how many radical feminist are running the schools in Iran? Yea I thought so… how are equal rights doing over there, yea I thought so, how are the children treated over there, oh yea excellent training in how to kill, gee you would think the left have found their dream man… by the way with all the above said how many lefty type Prez Candidates voiced a strong opinion today, yea I thought so…

And the school you might ask, watching the prez twist himself into knots trying to justify this makes it painfully obvious the prez’s of some US Schools are clearly operating way above their capabilities, way above…

Oh yea, I almost forgot, since when did lefty’s love religious guys so much? I mean expect for the religion of global warming, and socialism, racism, open borders isum, and all the rest of the normal isum’s they claim to support, or really pray too…

As I’ve said before, Nature is brutal when you become a hater and the left after decades of hating the religious, have in fact, become fanatical religious types, how sweet it is…

Have a good one…

Posted by Marc at 07:12 PM  ·  Marc
