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Palin and Letterman - Strength vs Weakness Archives

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Palin and Letterman - Strength vs Weakness

Wow, well duh another old white male democrat let's the cat out of the bag, its not about women's rights (or minorities, blah blah blah) in the demo world, its about walking in lockstep and money for votes, yawn... female repub stronger than male demo, yawn...

Now what I do wow about is the idea that a old man on national tv, (CBS is still national right?) can openly talk about rape and impregnating young girls without blinking an eye... in the old days little boys (physical body age doesn't matter) like this would be taken out back and beat to a pulp, and deservedly so... the Demos really have sunk beyond anything imaginable...

But as I have said before the real problem is not Demo vs Repub (thief vs thief), women vs men (they are equal for the most part), people of different color (they are equal), blah blah blah, no it's about strong vs weak. And this is a classic example of how weakness reacts to outrageous behavior, well weak of course plus throw in a side of pathetic as well and their you have the reaction of the weak... little boys like Davey have no idea how lucky they are to live in a society whose current power base is cloned from weakness... cause if it wasn't he would be a bloody little pulp somewhere, alive but would never forget and never repeat that mistake...

Don't be fooled, its strength vs weakness, and a sign of how strong the good ole US of A is has nothing to do with gender, color of skin, or any of that other BS you had no control of when you were born... go ask the Romans and the govs before them, its the weak who subvert and destroy, the strong who build and maintain, and that my friends is the only prism you should view politics from... of course if you have the strength to do it...

And just one final reminder, Nature rules the roost, you can only dream otherwise... Have a good one!!!

Note: In case you've been trained otherwise, we are all Nature's children, not some Village... :)

Posted by Marc at 02:31 PM  ·  Marc
