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We're all doing fine Mr United Archives

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Friday, June 8, 2012

We're all doing fine Mr United

Oh yea, fine is everywhere...

How bout those liberal unions types after Wisconsin fine eh?
How about the 10+%(real) unemployment people, fine eh?
How about all those students with zillions in debt and no jobs, fine eh?
How bout all of us normal people praying we have a job tomorrow, fine eh?
How about religious people who disagree with you, fine eh?
How about small business owners buried by your regulations, fine eh?
How's that Healthcare thing working out for you, fine eh?
How's that rich vs poor thing working out for you, fine eh?
How's that green jobs thing working out for you, fine eh?
How's that blown Stimulus aka friends slush fund working out for you, fine eh?
How's that community organizer experience working out for you, fine eh?
How's that pitting Americans against Americans thing working out for you, fine eh?

Any chance you don't know what the word "fine" means?

Just asking...

Posted by Marc at 01:16 PM  ·  Marc
