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Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Instapundit Comes Klean!

Well Mr. Reynolds supports the ACLU and kinda likes them. And if you don’t like that you must be, not “nuanced”, clearly not a “lawyer” who “sees” above the fray, not belong to the Kool-Aid club (check out Volokh, INDC, etc. on the same issue), etc…

So let’s see how this works, disagree with me and I just walk above you, link to friends that agree with me, and move on while the “little people” complain. Or refine the position a bit, oh they do seem more partisan recently, they do some good work, tip-toeing through the tulips comes to mind…

A touch of arrogance and works in a closed loop, I guess he’s becoming more MSM by the day…


Note: In case you want my views on the legal community, they are they most dangerous self serving lot in America. If you doubt me, fire away with any question, statement, or context you want. But be warned, you will be treated with the respect you show…

Note note: As in all things in Nature, nothing is all bad or all good which for you lawyers means I know some of you are good, but as a practicing management type I can only conclude you guys are clueless…

Last Note: He has done good work with the charities linking so you see once in awhile he does get it right… Hay Heh

Posted by Marc at 09:23 AM  ·  Marc
