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What would grown-ups do? Archives

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What would grown-ups do?

Let’s say you are or have raised kids and these scenes happen;

Your kid has spilled something on the floor and thinks somebody else should clean it up, what would you do? Do it for them? Ask them to do it and then do it for them if they do not agree with you? Or make them clean it up? The interesting question raised is who is driving the boat, you or the kid? If you can’t guess the right answer please seek help, ASAP.

One of your two kids calls the other a name in a way their bothers them, what would you do? Do you assess the situation and determine the appropriate action? Or do you automatically give a “time-out” to the name caller without regard to the facts? The interesting question raised is who has the issue, the name caller or the one being called a name? If you can’t guess the right answer please seek help, ASAP.

One of your kids constantly lies about the other, what do you do? Do you confront them with the facts? Or do you tolerate it because the liar is weak minded and cannot deal with the facts? The interesting question raised is why do liars plug their ears and scream when confronted with the truth? If you can’t guess the right answer please seek help, ASAP.

Think about these and apply it today to some of the political situations we have and figure out the right answer. Use some of your own child experiences and compare to today’s politics and tell me what you see, amazing huh!!!

Have a good one…

Posted by Marc at 05:31 PM  ·  Marc
