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Monday, August 21, 2006

This and That…

Racial Empire’s up in arms because, again, some “real” “black” leaders want the “black” community to look into their homes and how they raise their children before they look into a society through the eyes of a well “trained” racist and find all black problems a result of white people and their policies. Make no mistake about it anytime someone threatens the Racial Empire, whether it’s Bill Cosby or Juan Williams, or whomever, the Racial Empire will attack with every ounce of energy they have. I don’t think many people realize how big the Racial Economy is and how fierce those whom spend all day defining racism and playing the blame game day in and day out will defend the Racial Empire. As I’ve said before it’s a huge cancer and it will continue to eat away at society until its cut out and thrown away. You can not policy out hatred from white people, black people, etc. Color of skin is only a reflection of Nature and has no barring on life, except of course if you’re a hater, or even worse, a member of the Racial Empire whose main job is to ensure the haters have a place in society…

Jon Benet, saw an ad on TV yesterday saying, “and tonight we have new provocative photos” of her. This was a mainstream show and I was so caught off guard it was hard to think for a bit. This was a VERY VERY young child who was murdered and we have adults feeding off of her years later, sometimes I ask you how low can some go, and again I find a new low, so low if defies words beyond, as low as low can be… it’s enough to make any adult sick to your stomach, and if it doesn’t you should seek help…

The “law suit” to attack the president’s war powers was still all over the media channels this weekend with the personalized media channel, natch, leading the way with the most objective discussions. A few of the great things about the personalized media channel are, you know exactly where the provider stands politically, you don’t have to guess if your seeing-reading the truth because if they said anything factually incorrect it will be caught and they will be nailed. Sounds like Free Press heaven to me!!!

Damn Mother Nature you *(&*(&%, why are you not cooperating!!!! Clinton and Gore need you, New Orleans rip-off artists need you, the old MSM needs you, the worlds idiot ELITE need you, please oh please Mother Nature, show them you care, show them you “feel their pain”!
The Global Warming crew awaits your mighty actions, they hope and they PREY for your storms, yes they prey for your storms, because without your storms, they have nothing to scream about, nothing to lie about, nothing to attack their opponents about, look at the harm your doing Mother Nature, look at the harm to those whom need you…
Forget about those who will have their homes destroyed, their life’s attacked, sometimes their life’s lost, think not of those Mother Nature, think of the Global Warming crowd whom PREY for you to support them and if it means killing a few innocents, well that’s never stopped that crowd before…

Have a good one…

Posted by Marc at 09:43 AM  ·  Marc
