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This and That 9/11 style… Archives

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Friday, September 8, 2006

This and That 9/11 style…

Wow many things going on as we build up to the 5 year anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist attacks, and of course I have a few comments!

Fanatical Islam apologists and hardcore members going on an aggressive media blitz about how all of the problems they create are someone else’s problems, boy is that a surprise! They speak of the US and all “western” countries that won’t put up with their BS as the bad ones and they are the pure godlike creatures. Yes they feel they are acting under the orders of their god, they are driven not by mere human thoughts, but GOD thoughts!

Some examples of insane thoughts at work in the miniature minds;

Iran Prez challenges US Prez to a debate, the mouse that roared!

Harvaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrddddd invites Radical Islam to campus to speak, so now we invite killers to our campuses, the definition of insane looks clear here…

Docudrama from ABC / Disney / Hardcore Liberals shows some of the Clinton team a bit lax in dealing with radical Islam, and true to form, the Entire Clinton Legacy Projection, whoops, I mean Protection Team jumps into action to smash and kill that docudrama. All the while backstabbing the current Prez who is trying to smash and kill the people who are trying to kill US! Again the definition of insane looks intact here…

Conspiracy theorists oozing through the cracks again trying to question the reasons the WTC towers came down, appears few of them know how to read or have never heard of Popular Mechanics since the mag answered all of their questions with pure science. But again the insane hate facts and their “feelings” must be true, they just have to be, wah wah wah…

Conspiracy theorists oozing through the cracks again trying to question the reasons behind the WTC tower attacks, appears few of them know how to read or have never heard of Radical Islam types whom day in and day out take responsibility for killing infidels (read you and me) and fuel the society of Death! But again the insane hate facts and their “feelings” must be true, they just have to be, wah wah wah…

Democrats thrilled about possibility of re-gaining power in the House and Senate. No not to make the country better, not to fight the war on terror, and definitely not to help you and me! They want to help illegal aliens by giving them more rights than you and I have, they want to help radical Islam kill us easier, faster, and more efficiently, they want to have the UN drive US foreign policy, they want to spend all of their TV time attacking, not terrorist, not illegals, but attacking and impeaching any republican they can. I believe again this is the definition of insane…

What don’t we hear about, the families impacted by 9/11, how insane is that….

Have a good one…

Posted by Marc at 09:24 AM  ·  Marc
