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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

This and That…

Got such a kick out of the BUZZ Al Gore is getting with the Oscars, what a surprise the worlds biggest Gollywood commercial hypes the worlds biggest socialist propaganda. What I do find surprising is that most of the Gay Gollywood types don’t seem to realize they are trying to enable governments that would eradicate gays, weird huh. You want to control Global Warming, it’s a no brainer, just move away from the Sun…

The Real Clinton legacy is surfacing again with the New Demo’s in charge. Everything is cool as long as you don’t break the “letter” of the law, you’re good. Ethic’s charges for Political types are the actor-actress’s Betty Ford Center, the golfers Mulligan, and the famous Gollywood “do-over”.

Want to see another example of Clinton-Demo justice just keep watching the Duke-Nifong disaster, scandalous charges about rape, racism, etc, drives media wild with anti-repub and white male stuff, then the whoops hit, damn it’s not the truth, then the back peddling is classic Clintonion,
Step One, personal attacks on those whom seek the truth because in the Clinton world seeking the truth is never a means to an end,
Step Two, bait and switch, it’s not just this case, it’s the “ATMOSPEHRE” at Duke that must be bad,
Step Three, all the wild and crazy accusation flame throwers disappear except those that can hide behind protected classes (BLACK SKIN / FEMALE GENDER).
Step Four, draw out the legal process for months to kill any buzz among the general populace,
Step Five, replace the original idiot on the DL,
Step Six, inform old MSM it’s time to move on…
You’re Done!!!

Sandy Berger, see above, step one – six, replace Duke “Atmosphere” with Republican “Atmosphere”, your done…

So you want Demo’s huh, well you GOT UM!!!!! I love this stuff because I do think they are dumber than the repubs’ which is really hard to do;

John Edwards who rails against the “TWO CLASS” system builds a huge mansion for his relatively small family while bashing the system that creates people like himself whom can build huge mansions for their small family…

9/11 wasn’t that bad, I mean if the LA Times (Demo press machine) can publish a left wing professor who says yea 3,000 is bad, but not that bad in the larger WORLDVIEW of people like himself because after all it’s a Bush – Republican war. Because for the Demo’s to fight a war baby you had better kill a hell of a lot more than 3,000!!! Yea that’s the ticket go for huge numbers or don’t go at all…

Hillary says one thing in 2003 and reverses course in 2007, a candidate changing course or a weather vain changing direction, which is more natural is only a question for repubs. She will change course daily for the next two years to get elected and that’s OK because it’s who they are…

Nuclear Bill Option: lot’s of BUZZ about whether Hill should divorce Bill to help her chances to be prez and some are saying she can’t because he’s too smart a politician! Well you and I know damn well that if she needs to divorce him to win she will without a seconds hesitation and he won’t mind in fact they will script it to fit the moment, strong woman or bad man, just depends on the weather at the time… wow don’t you wish you had a political marriage!!!

Cover all kids for insurance; it’s all about the KIDS KIDS KIDS!!!!!! If you don’t support socialist medicine you must hate the KIDS!!!!

And on and on and on…

Gee the EU and Russia have decided to do business with Iran and you can add this to another of the successes in Iraq. Because once Iran is gone the only place the EU and Russia can sell their dirty wares will be Africa which doesn’t have anywhere near the money of the Middle East. Kind of fun watching the EU and Russia get squeezed like this right out in the open. And yea they will continue to use the UN to enable their greed but who cares because even the UN won’t be able to save Iran much longer.

Have a good one…

Posted by Marc at 09:30 AM  ·  Marc
