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Change in the Govt. part 3, what are my top priorities! Archives

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Monday, October 10, 2005

Change in the Govt. part 3, what are my top priorities!

Here are the things I would work on to change our government, not in any particular order since they all need to be done,

Become energy independent,
Make anyone or organization who sues the government pay all costs,
Make anyone or organization who sues the government a taxable entity,
Fix the voting district nightmare,
Disband the Gov (state and fed) Unions,
Install term limits on all congress people and judges,
Restore the balance between state and government jurisdiction-laws,
Stop the insane war on drugs comedy act (the legal system should not be a growth industry!),
Provide tax initiatives to the people who vote,
Fix the voter fraud problem,
Fix the illegal immigration nightmare.

Then after all of this, which by the way shouldn’t take to long if we focused on it, let the boat run for awhile and then take on the next set of problems.
Note: I know the energy problem seems to be bigger than all the rest and might take longer, well to that I say BS! I keep hearing how if only oil was priced at or above $40 dollars a barrel we could use our own supplies to fuel us for a long time. OK, the price is at $60 plus, what’s the hold-up? Add to that more conservation which is a good thing and we can do more. Add to that stepping up alternative energy sources and in a few years we could be there…

But alas I am dreaming, aren’t I???

Posted by Marc at 10:01 AM  ·  Marc
