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Tick, Tick, Tick, … Archives

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Tick, Tick, Tick, …

Surprisingly no news on the outcome of the investigation, but all of the news people, right, left, middle, spend a lot of time each day discussing the potential outcomes and rallying their flock to their interpretation.

Right, clearly she was outed by herself or her husband, her neighbors knew, her cat knew, everyone knew, her husband is a clown (true) who just needs attention, he used the DNC and its components to get his 15 minutes of fame and they fell for it (true), the CIA did this to get back at the White House (probably true), the role of the press with regards to classified material handling, etc…

Left, Rove and Libby are the devil, Cheney is the evil master of the world, Bush knows nothing and does nothing, and this Administration is bad all the way to the top, blah blah blah…

So what’s really going on? A simple political fight being fought with the law, the talking head community needing something for ratings, the Noise Machine still needing to pretend like they are important, an inside the Beltway feeding frenzy to settle old scores (see Clinton), blah blah blah…

Your tax dollars at work, are you OK with this? Think about this next time you vote…

Posted by Marc at 09:33 AM  ·  Marc
