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Thursday, April 27, 2006

This and That…

Oil Companies profits bad because it “hurts’ the people… Clinton friend Food Store Billionaire got rich on huge profits selling FOOD to people and no one seems to notice… hmmm could it be Food Billionaire friend (gives huge sums of money = friendship to these people) of liberal media. Think about a guy making BILLIONS exploiting poor peoples desire to EAT and stay alive, the horror, the horror…

Republican swing votes and other middle of the road swing voters going to teach Republicans a lesson and not vote for them to “teach” them a lesson. I for one have never seen feeding on ones self a healthy process, have you? Maybe they are taking lessons from the CA Teachers Unions on how to NOT teach effectively!

Immigration issue has been reduced to a racist clash of classes since the politicians in charge are as weak as weak can be, nothing else can describe their inability to show any sign of strength. Show me the power in politics these days that’s not based in genderism, racism, classism, religionism, and I will follow, but alas I feel I am still adrift at sea, waiting, hoping, yearning for real power to show up… sigh… the future looks bleak…

Media is warring still on leakers leaking and how dare the government goes after leakers and some people think the media is upset that this is attacking their patriotism, wrong. The Old Noise Machine (MSM) needs leakers since they have no other news capabilities. The bloggers have exposed their lying liberal bias and they have no concept of neutral reporting anymore so what’s left you say? Relying on leakers as a vain attempt to stay relevant as their circulation and viewer ship continue to decline at a brisk pace. I’m afraid they won’t get it until their financial bankruptcy catches up with their ideological bankruptcy…

Have a good one…

Posted by Marc at 10:14 AM  ·  Marc
