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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Weekend This and That…

Hmm a peaceful Muslim man goes on a rampage in the benevolent town of Seattle and of course even after indicating exactly why he did it, hatred for Jews, America, blah blah blah, the Old Noise Machine still can’t bring themselves to admit their could be a problem with young Muslim men wanting to kill and rampage in America, Canada, England, Spain, Denmark, etc., not to mention the Middle East, yep no problem here, nothing to see, move along…

And meanwhile the Great Kofi Annan, leader of the World Peace movement via the U.N., has decided we need a temporary cease fire since the IDF is wiping out the Hezbollah forces and he thinks the Hezbollah forces need some time to recoup, restock, and find more civilian shields, yep the Global Liberal mindset for peace is a fascinating thing to watch! And please don’t worry about Kofi as he has many useful idiot friends all over the world watching his backside and he will retire wealthy and live a life far beyond anything those depending on him could even dream about let alone achieve, oh the humility of it all…

Senator Kennedy lashes out at the two new Supreme Beings since they didn’t vote the way he feels they should based on their testimony in front of his kangaroo court Senate confirmation hearings. It’s hard to know where to start here but the most obvious in trying to read the Kennedy statement (It was so predictably bad I couldn’t finish it, no not poorly written just the same ole looney left talking points) is that HIS expectations are not being met and he’s wants the American people to know that. Oh but why since they are there and theirs nothing he can do about it, right? No doubt this is a talking point piece that will be used in the next round of the Supreme Being nomination circus since some of the current judges might not make it past W’s retirement. At least his handlers are thinking ahead but again nothing new, nothing worth reading, just more on the record blah blah blah, such is politics on the looney left!

As I’ve said before one of the good things about this war is that it keeps the moonbats out of the Old Noise Machines “newszone” for awhile. As always we need to find the good even when things are bad to help balance!

Have a good one…

Posted by Marc at 12:59 PM  ·  Marc
