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Sweep On…….. Hmmm no xxxxxx here, nothing to see, move along… Archives

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Friday, October 6, 2006

Sweep On…….. Hmmm no xxxxxx here, nothing to see, move along…

Sex, Sex, Sex baby, all sex all the time, that’s what the media wants to focus on when a Repub is involved. Don’t let the details about gender, legal consent, blah blah blah confuse you. When a Demo is involved, why it’s nothing but personal choice…. Hmmm no bias here, nothing to see, move along…

Gay groups whom normally “stick” together are up in tassels dealing with the complexity of the situation. Gay men don’t target young men as a whole it’s just the bad ones that do they say. Hmmm best selling gay stuff is young looking men stuff, nothing to see here, move along…

College clowns at the clown college Columbia shout down and attack views they don’t like, yep thats college these days, toe the line or be attacked… Aww the wonders of liberal thought, toe the line or get attacked, wonder what other loosely connected group works that way??? Hmmm no “beliefs system” at work here, nothing to see, move along…

Liberal Air America exec’s indicted because they stole money from kids and seniors, no OLD NOISE MACHINE coverage, liberals at their best, Hmmm no scandal here, nothing to see, move along…

Speaker wanna-be Pepsioso, I will clean up the party of corruption, I will drawn the swamp of the corruption, I am WOMAN HERE ME ROAR!!! Hmmm no Demos and ESPECIALLY NO WOMEN (unless their repubs) ever do bad things, nope never, nothing to see, move along…

Sweep on baby, sweep on, Gollywood and Washington should get married but alas same identity marriages aren’t allowed, yet!!!

Have a good one…

Posted by Marc at 09:33 AM  ·  Marc
